Friday, October 26, 2012

The Handmaidens of the Privileged Few

I have been looking for something a little snappier than “lackeys of the Filthy Rich and evil greedy Corporations” to refer to the Romney/Ryan [aka “Moron-Mormon/Libertarian-Lunatic”] ticket and the rest of the Republicans [aka “the Evil Doers”] and this may be it: The Handmaidens of the Privileged Few. I think that pretty much says it all.

Voting is really not very complicated, even if you are a racist cracker or uninformed fat stupid idiot. One percent of the people in America control most of the wealth and real power. If you are reading this, you aren’t one of them. And because you aren’t, you are out of your ever loving mind if you vote for any Republican at any level of government. It doesn’t matter how much you love unwanted fetuses in the wombs of poor women, or hate and blame those women for their admittedly profoundly dysfunctional lives; it doesn’t matter how much you hate gays or lesbians, or love your imaginary friend, Jesus; or how much you love Israel [and hope they nuke Tehran and usher in Armageddon so your Jesus can come again and you can be raptured to an imaginary Heaven in the sky] or hate Muslims. What matters is that the Handmaidens of the Privileged Few do not give a sh!t about you, your children or children’s future. They don't give a damn about our once great Nation or dying culture. The Republicans are about winning; they are about money and power. Siding with them brings you neither of these. That they will screw people below you on the economic ladder more mercilessly than they will screw you is not really a reason to vote for them. That my fellow Democrats may tax you a few hundred dollars more, to try to feed poor children or give your child a student loan to go to college is not a reason to vote against them.

Obama is a Black Man. But come on; you have to admit he’s not really very Black. If he is a Socialist, he is at best not a very effective one. Four more years of Obama achieving little or nothing—a very likely outcome—are preferable to Romney and friends effectively and quickly slashing taxes on the filthy rich and eliminating environmental, safety, worker’s, women’s, and civil rights laws and regulations; unleashing the Corporations to rape and pillage more mercilessly than they already are, for obscene profits while we fend for ourselves, defenseless. You and I know my gutless Democrats in Congress will not shut Romney down the way the Republicans shut down Obama, if Romney gets elected. 

Defeat these evil people—The Handmaidens of the Privileged Few—in early November. Don’t do it for me, do it for you and your children; do it for our Nation, species, and Home World, Earth. There may still be enough time to save us all…

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