Sunday, September 9, 2012

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan

So now we know The Dream Ticket: a follower of the Book of Moron (oops, Mormon) pseudo-religion and a Roman Catholic... you know, the people whose predecessors bastardized the Gospels and made Christianity into a profit making business and power base just a few centuries after Christ. Oh, did I mention The Crusades Holy War that bankrupted Western Europe and ushered in the Dark Ages, The Inquisition, the persecution of Galileo, and the modern sexual abuse of little boys by Priests Scandal? Yep, them are some real family values.

What can I say about Mitt "I never saw an American Job I couldn't Off-shore for one-quarter the cost" Romney? He's a wonderful Filthy Rich White Guy with wonderful filthy rich friends. He loves money and [White-]power--and the handful of people with both. But people in general--Middle Class and Poor Folk especially, not so much. And Paul "End Welfare Programs, e.g. Social Security and Medicare" Ryan, he's the genius golden child future of the Republican Party--two parts Libertarian-speak and one part Ultra-Right Wing-nut Social Conservative.

The good news is that the Corporations and Filthy Rich will spend a fortune trying to buy Romney/Ryan [Moron/Right Wing-nut] the White House, outspend us 2-to-1, and Obama will likely still win re-election, maybe bigger than he won in 2008 (popular vote; the Electoral College will likely be closer this time).

Barack still can't just say: "The Republicans are full of shit lying bastards deliberately trying to destroy the County", that wouldn't be Presidential. But at least he's getting a little angry and showing some emotion. [Of course if he raises his voice too much the "Bring us all Together; one nation--with 1% controlling all the wealth and power, and the other 99% shit out of luck, under God" Republicans would scream: "Crazy Socialist Negro, run for your lives".]

It's going to be a fun time between now and Election Day. Let's hope the Dark Side doesn't make it close enough to steal it, like they did in 2000 when Al Gore, instead of calling for insurrection, as he should have, just dropped his pants and bent over.

At least Obama and Biden are men enough that if the Supreme Court steals this one, there will be a real Civil War. And hopefully this time, we'll finish the job, unlike the first time. Make it Blue States / (Rhymes with Red) Dead States after we first evacuate the Friendlies. If you think I'm fooling, on Election night as you watch CNN tally the returns, take out and look at a map of the Civil War states. See a pattern? If we had just let Generals Grant and Sherman finish the job at the end of the first Civil War in the 1860s, there would be no Southern Strategy, Tea Party, Creationist Junk "Science", or modern Republican Party.

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