Thursday, October 4, 2012

God Help Us All

The debate last night (October 3, 2012) showed why Obama: (1) has achieved little in his first term; (2) if re-elected will achieve little in his second term; and (3) could actually lose this election to a lackey of the Filthy Rich, Corporations, and Right Wing lunatics who make up the Republican Party today.

Last night for ninety minutes, Barack Obama made Mitt Romney look like a reasonable guy with real plans for America. When Romney lied, Obama grinned. When Romney said misleading or outright false statements, Obama went into a convoluted dissertation about The Truth without refuting even once, the sound bite Romney had planted in the pea brains of an Idiot Nation of morons who vote.

There are really two problems here. First, let’s address Obama’s opponent and The Situation. In 2008 Barack ran as an outsider against an angry Vietnam Vet burdened with his Party’s unpopular sitting President, George W. Bush. John McCain was wrong on all the issues, but he is a patriot and an honorable man. He could not, and did not lie to the American people about what he would do if elected. Mitt Romney has lied, cheated, stolen, and been a greedy immoral dishonorable filthy rich Capitalist dog his entire life. He lies as effortlessly and convincingly as you or I breathe. Obama’s inability to shout: “You lying mother f#cker” every time or even one time that Romney lied last night is a significant problem. To make it worse, Obama has a deplorable record to defend. Romney spent much of the night rightly savaging Obama Care—the convoluted, complex, worthless Obama-Pelosi-Reed solution to a simple problem: Affordable Universal Health Care. [If you don’t know, the solution, several hundred miles north of me right now, is spelled C-A-N-A-D-A. Nationalize the system: shut down the thieving greedy insurance companies; heavily regulate the pharmaceutical companies and tax away their obscene profits; smash the AMA’s deliberate rationing of the supply of Doctors and other health professionals; and train hundreds of thousands of these professionals for free (using wealth conviscated from the Filthy Rich with punishing progressive taxation) to serve in The National Health Service and deliver cost effective care.] He spent the rest of the night rightly savaging Obama’s ineffectual and half-hearted attempts to restart the Economy on the cheap.

The second problem is, if anything, even worse. Obama first survived and then thrived and became wealthy as a Black Man in a White Racist culture by cultivating a very polished persona: I am the whitest, safest, smartest, most emotionally controlled, and cleverest Black man in the World; you can trust me. That persona worked as an outsider running against a psycho hot head Vietnam Vet in 2008. Four years later, that same persona, in the face of an on-going economic collapse and an enraged electorate, will not fly. Watching Obama last night, it was painfully obvious that he could care less—about me, my children and grandchild, about the Country or the Future. His “What, me worry?”; “Sure Mitt Romney is a lying, money grubbing, immoral piece of scum who will destroy the Middle Class and sell out America, but so what; can’t we all just get a long?”; “I’ve got all the time in the world to fix the Economy. Just sit there, shut up, and wait for me and my brilliant advisers to solve this fascinating intellectual puzzle—it’s not like you’re going to lose your home or go hungry” demeanor made me want to scream. He is so confident in, and enamored with, his own intelligence—and has surrounded himself with such like-minded people—that he has no clue about the rage and despair out in Real World America.

Grow some balls Barack. Man up; Black up. Get off your ass and f#cking do something useful. Or lose this election and just go back to being comfortably Rich and Whitish. As a former President, your book deals and speaking fees will be astronomical. You should be able to ride that puppy until the Chinese take over America and confiscate all your assets from you. Thanks for nothing Barack. You can take your “Hope” and shove it up your… Forward, indeed!

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