Thursday, October 4, 2012

This Just In: Obama Lost the First Debate Because Romney Lied

According to a smoking hot young (going for that critical Womens' Vote) White Girl Obama Spokes-apologist on CNN this evening, the Administration was shocked, shocked(!!!), that Mitt Romney lied repeatedly during the Debate last night. I guess not one of the great thinkers on the Re-election Committee has watched a single Romney speech or Republican Primary Debate. I guess they are not familiar with every modern Presidential Campaign since Richard Nixon in 1972. I guess the very intelligent Barack Obama—just ask him—has become so bedazzled by his own inauthentic parroted praise for benevolent American Capitalism, a myth that must be honored by every Democrat these days, that he has not noticed that Mitt Romney, a stinking greedy filthy rich Capitalist, has made his fortune by lying, cheating, stealing millions of dollars, and destroying hundreds of thousands of American jobs for profit over decades.

They were shocked. That profound naiveté alone disqualifies Obama for re-election. He has forfeited the right to govern this once great Nation (badly and ineffectively) for another four years. I just hope I can start a new company and cash in on all the new tax cuts for The Flithy Rich in time… I bet I’ll have at least eight Romney-Ryan years to do it. Republicans will be running and winning against the [ludicrous, convoluted, and worthless] Obama Care legislation alone for decades to come.

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