I have set the Obama
Administration on fire here and in other web venues, especially after Barack's pathetic
"What the f#ck do I care" performance in the First Presidential
Debate. (See especially my YouTube rant http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=mMU5zKcxIA8 [Obama
Takes a Dive in Denver].)
I first posted the following on my second blog: http://itsnoteasybeingpooreveninrichmontgomerycountymd.wordpress.com/
Joe Biden demonstrated in his "debate" with sparrow
fart Libertarian lunatic Paul Ryan--in the only VP Debate last Thursday--how
someone who understands what elections are about--the fate of our once great
Nation, conducts him- or herself. This Election is not a debate between reasonable, honorable
(mostly) men; it is a moral struggle between well-meaning but ineffective
Flithy Rich Democrats and evil, greedy, hateful Flithy Rich Republicans. We
need to not only defeat them, we
need to destroy them so
completely that their grandchildren are reluctant to call themselves
Like every large Corporation, Filthy Rich person, and Republican
knows, Politics is War by other means. It is not an honorable
endeavor; it is brutal, dirty, unseemly, and winner-take-all. Biden gets this
in a way that contented, emotionless, passionless, out of touch with reality,
and insular Obama does not. If we defeat these idiots—the lackeys of the Filthy
Rich and Corporations—it will be despite Barack, not because of him.
Any minority, no matter how rich, any Middle or Working Class, or poor person
who does not run to the polls Election Day and
gleefully vote against every Republican at every level of
government deserves the fate that will befall them. [Frankly, anyone, even
disinherited WASPs, who is not part of the top 1 percenters, is in
denial if they believe the myth that the Filthy Rich will help them survive,
let alone prosper.]
Unlike Democrats who dither and endlessly discuss what to do, Republicans,
when they seize power, immediately act to slash taxes on the Filthy Rich and
Corporations, roll back environmental and worker safety regulations, restrict
abortion rights, and mercilessly and remorselessly rape the Middle Class and Poor. If you look
at the Red and Blue States Election night, you will notice that we could have
solved this problem at the end of the Civil War, when Generals Grant and
Sherman were systematically killing every Southern Rebel and their sympathizers
and burning The South to the ground. Well-meaning and compassionate President
Lincoln, naively looking to reconciliation, stopped them from finishing the
job. I am ready to re-litigate that unresolved conflict and settle this once
and for all. With the Presidency in our hands and two-thirds to three-quarters
majorities in both houses of Congress, I am willing to tolerate the handful of
idiot mid- and far-western Red States and a smattering of Republicans in the Congress
or in control of a few low population States I will never set foot in. In time,
Hispanic immigration and their high fertility rate will eventually fix that
Poverty sucks. American Capitalism makes poverty inevitable and
persistent. We can fix this people, even without a second Civil War. Just
f#cking Vote; not at the 95% rates that the Filthy Rich and Republicans do, I'd
take just a 65% Voter turnout for the not Filthy Rich. That turnout would
defeat not just Mitt (Book of Moron follower)
Romney and Paul (I support the right of a drowning man to drown without help
from me) Ryan, it would sweep from office almost every Republican at every level
of government. Don't do it for me; do it for you, your children and
grandchildren, for our Nation and the Future of our species and Home World. Do
it while you still have the right to vote. Just do it!
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