It is a new day.
Obama now gets it that he has to fix this broken culture and dying Nation. The
Fiscal Cliff is just the start. The slaughter of twenty innocent children and
six of their teachers in Newtown has even the NRA coming to terms with reality.
The Tea Party lunatics, the Right Wing Republican morons, and now even the
pro-gun nuts are on the run. This is our time, and we well take it. The Rich
will be taxed, the Corporations and guns will be regulated, the environment
will be protected; we are going to fix this. It still won't be easy to be poor,
put it will suck less. It still will be difficult to stay in the Middle Class,
but it will be possible. This is all going to get fixed, and we all will at
least have a chance at survival. We came close in the late 1960s and now we
have a second chance to change the world for the better.
A discussion of the Obama Administration, the Republican Presidential primaries, and the 2012 election
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
This Just In: Powerful Old White Men Have Sex With Attractive Young Women
Like me, you may have
thought that Obama’s election victory would have led to at least a couple weeks
of mass media coverage of the Filthy Rich and greedy Corporations’ attempt to
buy the election for their proxies, The Handmaidens of the Privileged Few. The
media actually did spend a few days talking about it. But wait! It turns out
that powerful old white men, even generals (!), have sex with readily available
young women! The horror… a sex “scandal”! Thank God, now we have something to once again distract this Idiot
Nation. And what about Hurricane Sandy? Where is Obama? It has been two weeks since the “thousand year”
storm devastated the North East and yet still,
the power has not been totally restored and the Jersey Shore completely rebuilt!
On CNN this morning,
Georgia Republican Representative Tom Price finally asks the question (concerning Petraeus
et. al.) on everyone’s mind—what did the President know, and when did he know
it? Why the cover up? Why? He can ask that question without irony or risk,
because only about five hundred rabid liberal Democrats over 60 years old
remember Republican President Richard M. Nixon and the Watergate Scandal of the
1970s. So that you don’t have to Google it: during the 1972 presidential race
between Nixon and George McGovern, Nixon set up a secret illegal team “The
Plumbers” (they were stopping administration leaks, get it?). They were
directed to break into the Democratic Election Committee’s offices in the
Watergate Hotel in Washington, DC. They got caught. Nixon tried to cover it up
with hush money and a CIA cover story.
The break-in was
ignored by the entire News Media establishment for over a year, except for the two
Metro Desk reporters (Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein) who caught the original
break-in story and would not let go of it until they, with the support of their
newspaper, The Washington Post, and
its owner, Katharine Graham, brought Nixon down. (See also Deep Throat, their
source, later revealed to be then Federal Bureau of Investigation Associate
Director Mark Felt.) Google it all if you want to reclaim a knowledge of recent
American history.
My point is that when
an evil Republican President actually f#cked Lady Liberty and The Constitution
up the ass only 40 years ago, the
mass media ignored it for a year,
until a major newspaper forced them
and the US Congress to act. But now, a “liberal” media, obsessed with ratings,
when presented with an opportunity to take on the Filthy Rich and Corporations
with Obama’s election despite the billions they spent trying to defeat him, does nothing but jump to the next meaningless sensation.
No, we won’t be
having that inquiry or discussion. Anderson Cooper will stay on the Hurricane
Sandy story until every light is back on and every inch of beach restored and
destroyed home rebuilt. In his defense, Anderson covered Katrina when the rest
of the media ignored it, and has stayed on the story to this day, since New Orleans
is still not restored. [Just Google it too, I know you don’t remember George W.
Bush’s Katrina fiasco, it was a long time ago (2005)! By the way, New Orleans
is a city on the Gulf that BP devastated with a big old well blow out in 2010,
just two year ago, ancient history.]
One last thing,
Speaker “Boner” idiot, before you start talking about impeaching Obama, talk to
former Speaker Newt Gingrich about his attempt to take down President William
Jefferson Clinton with a ridiculous “Sex Scandal”.
Personal note to the
morons who found this page Googling “Sex”: This is a blog about politics. I know, yuck, b-o-r-i-n-g.
If you want to learn something about the history of the Nation you live in, Google
a name or phrase or two and follow the links. It means you do have to read, not just look at pictures or a
very short 45 second video clip. If you cannot or don’t like to read, find
someone who can and does and have them read the information to you and explain
it to you, OK? Oh, sorry, I mean “K” since you lazy idiots can’t take the time
to hit two keys when sexting or texting your 100 closest personal “friends” with or without “benefits”.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
We Won, They Lost: My New Modest Proposal
Billions of dollars
spent by the Filthy Rich and Corporations to buy the National Presidential
Election; a gutless corporate-dominated media, reported by rich media
personalities, doing everything they could to make the Election as close as
possible and divide America—pretending this was a contest between patriots with
an honest difference of opinion, all reasonable people, and not
the life or death struggle it was, between the forces of Good and Evil; all of
it for naught. Obama won; we won; the Nation and Planet won. The madness ends.
In the final weeks
and days of this election cycle, my passions and rage inflamed by the media
hype, I called for a Civil War rematch. This time I said, we would finish the
job, fighting a war of total annihilation, killing every last one of our fellow
citizens living in the Red States. I now freely admit that I was temporarily
insane; that such a pogrom is unnecessary. Here is my modest (new) proposal.
America, Obama’s
continued naïve insistence that we are the United Stated of America early this
morning notwithstanding, is two
nations occupying one geographic
region of North America. We have to stop this, and we can. Obama should propose
to the Congress that we hold a National Plebiscite one year from the
legislation’s passage. Any State whose citizens vote, by a two-thirds majority,
to secede from the Union, may do so. All of the Old Confederacy and a handful
of Midwestern and Western States surely will secede. To recognize and celebrate
this happy occasion, we in the Blue States will rename our nation The New
United States of America.
The States that secede
will have six months to settle up with the Federal Government—that is, close
all military bases and transfer all military and other Federal assets, pay any
debts or negotiate a payment schedule, and assist citizens fleeing their jurisdiction.
Military personnel can sign a loyalty oath and relocate with the material
assets, or resign from the US Military. [We can let their National Guard Units
keep their small arms, and even a few tanks, trucks, helicopters, and fighter jet
aircraft. Of course, no bombers, nukes, or missiles stay in any former Red
State.] These former States can join together, if they choose; maybe name their
new nation Jesus Land, the Christian Theocracy they crave.
The one year period before
the vote and six months after it will let intelligent, educated, enlightened citizens
now inexplicable living in Red States to flee those states and join us. The Red
State sympathizers among us can use the same time to remove themselves from our
midst and relocate to a Red State. Enlightened Corporations, or ones dependent
on science and an educated population of workers, can use the same period to
relocate to one of our Former Blue States where they will be welcomed.
As Fundamentalist Christian
Land descends into Third World chaos and pluralistic, humanistic,
agnostic and liberal The New United States of America
thrives, border former States can petition to rejoin The Union. Once they vote by two-thirds majority, they will be welcomed
back, after they purge their state of the idiots who opposed the vote and sign
a loyalty oath.
We will not
help Jesus
Land as it withers and dies. We will watch, some of us gleefully. When Jesus does not save them, they will at least die knowing they were wrong about everything they thought they
knew with certainty about life, values, race, and God’s will.
Friday, October 26, 2012
The Handmaidens of the Privileged Few
I have been looking for
something a little snappier than “lackeys of the Filthy Rich and evil greedy
Corporations” to refer to the Romney/Ryan [aka
“Moron-Mormon/Libertarian-Lunatic”] ticket and the rest of the Republicans [aka
“the Evil Doers”] and this may be it: The Handmaidens of the
Privileged Few. I think that pretty much says it all.
Voting is really not
very complicated, even if you are a racist cracker or uninformed fat stupid
idiot. One percent of the people in America control most of the wealth and real
power. If you are reading this, you aren’t one of them. And because you aren’t,
you are out of your ever loving mind if you vote for any Republican at any
level of government. It doesn’t matter how much you love unwanted fetuses in
the wombs of poor women, or hate and blame those women for their admittedly
profoundly dysfunctional lives; it doesn’t matter how much you hate gays or
lesbians, or love your imaginary friend, Jesus; or how much you love Israel
[and hope they nuke Tehran and usher in Armageddon so your Jesus can come again
and you can be raptured to an imaginary Heaven in the sky] or hate Muslims.
What matters is that the Handmaidens of the Privileged Few do
not give a sh!t about you, your children or children’s future. They don't give
a damn about our once great Nation or dying culture. The Republicans are about winning;
they are about money and power. Siding with them brings you neither of
these. That they will screw people below you on the economic ladder more
mercilessly than they will screw you is not really a
reason to vote for them. That my fellow Democrats may tax you
a few hundred dollars more, to try to feed poor children or give your child a
student loan to go to college is not a reason to vote against them.
Obama is a
Black Man. But come on; you have to admit he’s not really
very Black. If he is a Socialist, he is at best not a
very effective one. Four more years of Obama achieving little or nothing—a very
likely outcome—are preferable to Romney and friends effectively and quickly
slashing taxes on the filthy rich and eliminating environmental, safety,
worker’s, women’s, and civil rights laws and regulations; unleashing the
Corporations to rape and pillage more mercilessly than they already are, for
obscene profits while we fend for ourselves, defenseless. You and I know my
gutless Democrats in Congress will not shut Romney down the
way the Republicans shut down Obama, if Romney gets elected.
Defeat these evil
people—The Handmaidens of the Privileged Few—in early November.
Don’t do it for me, do it for you and your children; do it for our Nation,
species, and Home World, Earth. There may still be enough time to save us all…
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Obama Joins the Fight
So Barack does care about something: his honor and manhood. Last night he
didn't just show up, he was ready to take on Mitt "I love to destroy American
Companies and Off-Shore Jobs for Profit" Romney on every issue. Every time Mitt lied, Obama smacked him, hard. Mitt
tried to wrap himself in murdered American diplomats, Obama responded:
"Those were my people who got killed where I sent
them; I was at Dover to meet their coffins with their families. [Where the f#ck
were you; counting your filthy money or mapping out the final barrage of bald
face lies?]"
Barack may still not really want to be President for four
more years. He may still not really care if we all die badly. He
likely will be as ineffective during his second term. But at least he now
realizes that his performance during the first debate was a disgrace. Even if
he will not use all of the tools available to him to
protect the Nation from the Clear and Present Danger the Republicans in
Congress and Mitt and company represent—yes, I am talking about the Navy Seals
and the Bin Laden Solution—he is
willing to take Mitt on like a man.
Stay on the evil
idiots' throats Mr. President; go for the kill. I want them not just defeated, I want them destroyed. I want their
grandchildren to flinch at the thought of calling themselves Republicans. Let's
usher in another decades long FDR-like run of Democratic rule. We need to soak
the Filthy Rich and confiscate their obscene wealth with punishing inheritance
and income taxes. We need to crack down on or nationalize all strategic
Corporations for the Common Good. We need to nationalize the Health Care
Delivery System, replaced it with a Canada-style one. We need to teach the
Filthy Rich and Corporations that they can spend hundreds of billions, even trillions of dollars trying to buy
the election with the help of a five-vote majority right wing Supreme Court and
still be defeated by The Vote of The People.
Let's make our Founders proud. Let's put down our Big Macks,
Biggie Fries, and 1,500 calorie 32-oz barrel of Coke; stop sexting and texting
our forty closest "Friends with benefits"; get off the couch, turn
off the riveting Reality Show or Sh#t Com we're watching, turn off the Plasma
Screen TV and run to the polls and throw
out every Republican at every level
of government.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
At Least Joe Biden Gets It
I have set the Obama
Administration on fire here and in other web venues, especially after Barack's pathetic
"What the f#ck do I care" performance in the First Presidential
Debate. (See especially my YouTube rant v=mMU5zKcxIA8 [Obama
Takes a Dive in Denver].)
I first posted the following on my second blog:
Joe Biden demonstrated in his "debate" with sparrow
fart Libertarian lunatic Paul Ryan--in the only VP Debate last Thursday--how
someone who understands what elections are about--the fate of our once great
Nation, conducts him- or herself. This Election is not a debate between reasonable, honorable
(mostly) men; it is a moral struggle between well-meaning but ineffective
Flithy Rich Democrats and evil, greedy, hateful Flithy Rich Republicans. We
need to not only defeat them, we
need to destroy them so
completely that their grandchildren are reluctant to call themselves
Like every large Corporation, Filthy Rich person, and Republican
knows, Politics is War by other means. It is not an honorable
endeavor; it is brutal, dirty, unseemly, and winner-take-all. Biden gets this
in a way that contented, emotionless, passionless, out of touch with reality,
and insular Obama does not. If we defeat these idiots—the lackeys of the Filthy
Rich and Corporations—it will be despite Barack, not because of him.
Any minority, no matter how rich, any Middle or Working Class, or poor person
who does not run to the polls Election Day and
gleefully vote against every Republican at every level of
government deserves the fate that will befall them. [Frankly, anyone, even
disinherited WASPs, who is not part of the top 1 percenters, is in
denial if they believe the myth that the Filthy Rich will help them survive,
let alone prosper.]
Unlike Democrats who dither and endlessly discuss what to do, Republicans,
when they seize power, immediately act to slash taxes on the Filthy Rich and
Corporations, roll back environmental and worker safety regulations, restrict
abortion rights, and mercilessly and remorselessly rape the Middle Class and Poor. If you look
at the Red and Blue States Election night, you will notice that we could have
solved this problem at the end of the Civil War, when Generals Grant and
Sherman were systematically killing every Southern Rebel and their sympathizers
and burning The South to the ground. Well-meaning and compassionate President
Lincoln, naively looking to reconciliation, stopped them from finishing the
job. I am ready to re-litigate that unresolved conflict and settle this once
and for all. With the Presidency in our hands and two-thirds to three-quarters
majorities in both houses of Congress, I am willing to tolerate the handful of
idiot mid- and far-western Red States and a smattering of Republicans in the Congress
or in control of a few low population States I will never set foot in. In time,
Hispanic immigration and their high fertility rate will eventually fix that
Poverty sucks. American Capitalism makes poverty inevitable and
persistent. We can fix this people, even without a second Civil War. Just
f#cking Vote; not at the 95% rates that the Filthy Rich and Republicans do, I'd
take just a 65% Voter turnout for the not Filthy Rich. That turnout would
defeat not just Mitt (Book of Moron follower)
Romney and Paul (I support the right of a drowning man to drown without help
from me) Ryan, it would sweep from office almost every Republican at every level
of government. Don't do it for me; do it for you, your children and
grandchildren, for our Nation and the Future of our species and Home World. Do
it while you still have the right to vote. Just do it!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
This Just In: Obama Lost the First Debate Because Romney Lied
According to a smoking hot young (going for that critical Womens' Vote) White Girl Obama Spokes-apologist on CNN this evening, the Administration was shocked, shocked(!!!), that Mitt Romney lied repeatedly during the Debate last night. I guess not one of the great thinkers on the Re-election Committee has watched a single Romney speech or Republican Primary Debate. I guess they are not familiar with every modern Presidential Campaign since Richard Nixon in 1972. I guess the very intelligent Barack Obama—just ask him—has become so bedazzled by his own inauthentic parroted praise for benevolent American Capitalism, a myth that must be honored by every Democrat these days, that he has not noticed that Mitt Romney, a stinking greedy filthy rich Capitalist, has made his fortune by lying, cheating, stealing millions of dollars, and destroying hundreds of thousands of American jobs for profit over decades.
They were shocked. That profound naiveté alone disqualifies Obama for re-election. He has forfeited the right to govern this once great Nation (badly and ineffectively) for another four years. I just hope I can start a new company and cash in on all the new tax cuts for The Flithy Rich in time… I bet I’ll have at least eight Romney-Ryan years to do it. Republicans will be running and winning against the [ludicrous, convoluted, and worthless] Obama Care legislation alone for decades to come.
God Help Us All
The debate last night (October 3, 2012) showed why Obama: (1)
has achieved little in his first term; (2) if re-elected will achieve little in
his second term; and (3) could actually lose this election to a lackey of the
Filthy Rich, Corporations, and Right Wing lunatics who make up the Republican
Party today.
Last night for ninety minutes, Barack Obama made Mitt Romney
look like a reasonable guy with real plans for America. When Romney lied, Obama
grinned. When Romney said misleading or outright false statements, Obama went into
a convoluted dissertation about The Truth without refuting even once, the sound
bite Romney had planted in the pea brains of an Idiot Nation of morons who
There are really two problems here. First, let’s address
Obama’s opponent and The Situation. In 2008 Barack ran as an outsider against
an angry Vietnam Vet burdened with his Party’s unpopular sitting President,
George W. Bush. John McCain was wrong on all the issues, but he is a patriot
and an honorable man. He could not, and did not lie to the American people
about what he would do if elected. Mitt Romney has lied, cheated, stolen, and
been a greedy immoral dishonorable filthy rich Capitalist dog his entire life.
He lies as effortlessly and convincingly as you or I breathe. Obama’s inability
to shout: “You lying mother f#cker” every time or even one time that Romney lied last night is a significant
problem. To make it worse, Obama has a deplorable record to defend. Romney
spent much of the night rightly savaging Obama Care—the convoluted, complex,
worthless Obama-Pelosi-Reed solution to a simple problem: Affordable Universal
Health Care. [If you don’t know, the solution, several hundred miles north of
me right now, is spelled C-A-N-A-D-A. Nationalize the system: shut down the
thieving greedy insurance companies; heavily regulate the pharmaceutical
companies and tax away their obscene profits; smash the AMA’s deliberate rationing of the supply of Doctors and other health professionals; and train hundreds of thousands of these professionals for free (using wealth conviscated from the Filthy Rich with punishing progressive taxation) to serve
in The National Health Service and deliver cost effective care.] He spent the
rest of the night rightly savaging Obama’s ineffectual and half-hearted
attempts to restart the Economy on the cheap.
The second problem is, if anything, even worse. Obama first
survived and then thrived and became wealthy as a Black Man in a White Racist
culture by cultivating a very polished persona: I am the whitest, safest,
smartest, most emotionally controlled, and cleverest Black man in the World;
you can trust me. That persona worked as an outsider running against a psycho
hot head Vietnam Vet in 2008. Four years later, that same persona, in the face of an
on-going economic collapse and an enraged electorate, will not fly. Watching
Obama last night, it was painfully obvious that he could care less—about me, my
children and grandchild, about the Country or the Future. His “What, me
worry?”; “Sure Mitt Romney is a lying, money grubbing, immoral piece of scum
who will destroy the Middle Class and sell out America, but so what; can’t we
all just get a long?”; “I’ve got all the time in the world to fix the Economy.
Just sit there, shut up, and wait for me and my brilliant advisers to solve
this fascinating intellectual puzzle—it’s not like you’re going to lose your
home or go hungry” demeanor made me want to scream. He is so confident in, and
enamored with, his own intelligence—and has surrounded himself with such
like-minded people—that he has no clue about the rage and despair out in Real World America.
Grow some balls Barack. Man up; Black up. Get off your ass
and f#cking do something useful. Or lose this election and just go back to being
comfortably Rich and Whitish. As a former President, your book deals and
speaking fees will be astronomical. You should be able to ride that puppy until
the Chinese take over America and confiscate all your assets from you. Thanks
for nothing Barack. You can take your “Hope” and shove it up your… Forward, indeed!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan
So now we know The Dream Ticket: a follower of the Book of Moron (oops, Mormon) pseudo-religion and a Roman Catholic... you know, the people whose predecessors bastardized the Gospels and made Christianity into a profit making business and power base just a few centuries after Christ. Oh, did I mention The Crusades Holy War that bankrupted Western Europe and ushered in the Dark Ages, The Inquisition, the persecution of Galileo, and the modern sexual abuse of little boys by Priests Scandal? Yep, them are some real family values.
What can I say about Mitt "I never saw an American Job I couldn't Off-shore for one-quarter the cost" Romney? He's a wonderful Filthy Rich White Guy with wonderful filthy rich friends. He loves money and [White-]power--and the handful of people with both. But people in general--Middle Class and Poor Folk especially, not so much. And Paul "End Welfare Programs, e.g. Social Security and Medicare" Ryan, he's the genius golden child future of the Republican Party--two parts Libertarian-speak and one part Ultra-Right Wing-nut Social Conservative.
The good news is that the Corporations and Filthy Rich will spend a fortune trying to buy Romney/Ryan [Moron/Right Wing-nut] the White House, outspend us 2-to-1, and Obama will likely still win re-election, maybe bigger than he won in 2008 (popular vote; the Electoral College will likely be closer this time).
Barack still can't just say: "The Republicans are full of shit lying bastards deliberately trying to destroy the County", that wouldn't be Presidential. But at least he's getting a little angry and showing some emotion. [Of course if he raises his voice too much the "Bring us all Together; one nation--with 1% controlling all the wealth and power, and the other 99% shit out of luck, under God" Republicans would scream: "Crazy Socialist Negro, run for your lives".]
It's going to be a fun time between now and Election Day. Let's hope the Dark Side doesn't make it close enough to steal it, like they did in 2000 when Al Gore, instead of calling for insurrection, as he should have, just dropped his pants and bent over.
At least Obama and Biden are men enough that if the Supreme Court steals this one, there will be a real Civil War. And hopefully this time, we'll finish the job, unlike the first time. Make it Blue States / (Rhymes with Red) Dead States after we first evacuate the Friendlies. If you think I'm fooling, on Election night as you watch CNN tally the returns, take out and look at a map of the Civil War states. See a pattern? If we had just let Generals Grant and Sherman finish the job at the end of the first Civil War in the 1860s, there would be no Southern Strategy, Tea Party, Creationist Junk "Science", or modern Republican Party.
What can I say about Mitt "I never saw an American Job I couldn't Off-shore for one-quarter the cost" Romney? He's a wonderful Filthy Rich White Guy with wonderful filthy rich friends. He loves money and [White-]power--and the handful of people with both. But people in general--Middle Class and Poor Folk especially, not so much. And Paul "End Welfare Programs, e.g. Social Security and Medicare" Ryan, he's the genius golden child future of the Republican Party--two parts Libertarian-speak and one part Ultra-Right Wing-nut Social Conservative.
The good news is that the Corporations and Filthy Rich will spend a fortune trying to buy Romney/Ryan [Moron/Right Wing-nut] the White House, outspend us 2-to-1, and Obama will likely still win re-election, maybe bigger than he won in 2008 (popular vote; the Electoral College will likely be closer this time).
Barack still can't just say: "The Republicans are full of shit lying bastards deliberately trying to destroy the County", that wouldn't be Presidential. But at least he's getting a little angry and showing some emotion. [Of course if he raises his voice too much the "Bring us all Together; one nation--with 1% controlling all the wealth and power, and the other 99% shit out of luck, under God" Republicans would scream: "Crazy Socialist Negro, run for your lives".]
It's going to be a fun time between now and Election Day. Let's hope the Dark Side doesn't make it close enough to steal it, like they did in 2000 when Al Gore, instead of calling for insurrection, as he should have, just dropped his pants and bent over.
At least Obama and Biden are men enough that if the Supreme Court steals this one, there will be a real Civil War. And hopefully this time, we'll finish the job, unlike the first time. Make it Blue States / (Rhymes with Red) Dead States after we first evacuate the Friendlies. If you think I'm fooling, on Election night as you watch CNN tally the returns, take out and look at a map of the Civil War states. See a pattern? If we had just let Generals Grant and Sherman finish the job at the end of the first Civil War in the 1860s, there would be no Southern Strategy, Tea Party, Creationist Junk "Science", or modern Republican Party.
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